Thursday, January 21, 2010

Great Sunscreen (that doesn't make you look all Nicole Kidman and ghost-ish)

A lot of people often think I'm younger than I am. This, I attribute to three things: I am fairly immature; I have good genes (both my parents look good for their ages, which is somewhere in the 60s, I think); I am borderline obsessive about using sunscreen.

Probably that last one has done the most good.

But, if you're a regular sunscreen user then you know how often it can leave a ghostly cast on skin, especially if you've got some pigmentation. It's not so bad on arms and legs, but that streaky white can make your face look like death.

My derm recommended Elta MD. Not only is it sunscreen, it has moisturizer in it. I love two-for-ones. The Elta line uses invisible zinc, so it's a physical sun barrier — which is the best, especially for sensitive skin — and it doesn't leave that chalky pallor.

I faithfully slather on the Elta every a.m. Oh, and I guess my other beauty secret might be that a regular frosting facial doesn't hurt either.

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