Theoretically — and I say theoretically because it's currently about 90-something degrees outside — it's fall.
I love fall, except for one thing: the old lady hands.
It never fails. A light chill hits the air and my hands start to look all prune-y. Excuse me, I believe I mean "dried plumlike," that's the term the fruit's PR people are pushing these days. Dry, wrinkly, gross hands. Seems I can't lotion enough. But after a spilled lotion incident in the purse, I don't dare carry it around with me. I've got stick sunscreen already in my bag for the same reason. Now, the sunscreen has company with Josie Maran Argan Oil Moisturizing Stick.
If you haven't heard yet about argan oil, allow me to enlighten you. It is the latest, greatest rage in skincare. Here's the dealio, the oil is very moisturizing and is purported to have anti-aging ingredients rich in fatty acids and vitamin E. In the stick form, the oil can be used as a multipurpose balm, soothing chapped lips and skin, relieving the itch from insect bites, even taming flyaway hairs. I just roll it over my hands. When I'm feeling braver (lately I've been plagued by pimples), perhaps the balm will take a trip across my face.
You can find Josie Maran Argan Oil Moisturizing Stick at Sephora for $22.
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