I love going into actual stores, too, but you see, I have children. As a general rule, kids and shopping don't mix. On those rare occasions that I do take them into a store, I usually just want to plunge the credit card right into my heart. There's nothing quite so mortifying as pulling a kid out from beneath a rounder-rack where he's scurried for one-person hide-n-seek (no one's actually seeking him) and he's covered with dust bunnies. Niiiice.
But yesterday, yesterday was glorious. I got out to shop without children.
Hit Stems for its annual sale. I was good — I loved the right-from-the-crayon-box cut-out wedges by Jessica Bennett and the gorgeous green Me Too wedges, but I only bought bronze Klub Nico flats. Since my right shoe, for at least another month, is that clunky black boot pictured at the top, that made the most sense. It sure is purty, isn't it?
After the shoes, we popped in to Sigi's Boutique. I fell in love with the strapless Tea and Honey washed silk dress. It felt like buttah and had pockets. Pockets! I love pockets — almost as much as I love shopping. Now, if I could just find a $100 bill in one of 'em.

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