It's like Christmas in late August.....My wishlist is growing longer by the minute. And considering the price tags involved, this will continue to be just that — a wishlist.
Prowling the World Wide Web o' shopping yielded some cool finds. Here's what I'm lusting after now:
• Anthropologie Plaza cardigan. I tried this on in the store, and it's pretty fabulous.
The cobalt blue is so vibrant and bold — and something we'll see a lot of in the fall. The ruffles are also on-trend. The jury's still out on the slouchy pockets. I like 'em alone, but paired with the ruffles it could be overkill.
This is made of a cashmere blend and is so soft, but I was sweatin' in the dressing room since it's still over 100 degrees. Plus, the $128 price tag is a deal-breaker.
• Now that I own one DVF, I want more, more, more. I'm a sucker for words on clothing, and this Julian wrap dress has that newspaper vibe (even though one of the words is "love").
I keep thinking that maybe if I dress to promote newspapers then maybe people will think they're cool and the medium may hang around for a bit longer. Read the paper! Read the paper!
• Free People has been turning out some lust-worthy jewelry, and statement necklaces are huge this fall.
The vintage feel of this piece paired with an edgy vibe from the multiple chains is irresistible. Alas, the $168 price tag is not. Are you sensing a theme here? I have very expensive taste.
• Another on-the-mark find from Free People is this rockin' light-weight coat. Perfect for Tucson's non-existent winters, the We the Free Clash Jacket's got ruffle action paired with studs — also trendy — to temper the feminine frill.
• J Crew has lots of must-own fall pieces, including this sleeveless blouse. Dammit.
I'm trying so hard not to buy Crew because the retailer keeps making me mad.
Most recently, I was trying to use double codes (free shipping plus a 20 percent discount). Everything worked fine on the faux checkout, but when I was ready to pull the trigger, only one code would work.
A call to customer service brought no help. "Sorry. The codes expire at eastern standard time."
That was it.
No offer to help, no consolation prize. Just sorry.
Revolveclothing.com will credit you if a discount code goes up after you've bought something. Free shipping and returns, too.
Order from swayandcake.com and the online director, Erica, will actually try stuff on for you and clue you in to the fit.
Free shipping, too.
J Crew consistently has this screw you attitude.
Even worse than a scorned woman is a scorned shopper.....I was so bitter that I took back a shirt I'd purchased from the red phone in the store (free shipping when you order from the red phone). So take that — you got hosed on the shipping for that order, J Crew.