Sweggings, apparently.
While it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, I'm not ruling this sweatpant/legging hybrid out just yet.
Weird but oddly intriguing. As I'm typing, the idea is starting to grow on me. But that name...sweggings. Raise your hand if it doesn't sound like it ought to be a saying from "Saturday Night Live" a la Alec Baldwin and the NPR Delicious Dish spoof "Schweddy balls."
Im good with sweggings... I think they're cute... =)
actuallly, vt, i think my issue is mostly with the price — most brands are nearly $100....for modified sweats. but when they go on sale.....all bets are off!
Oh dear lord no ... though these are a minor improvement over the HAREM sweatshirt leggings (yes, I mean you, Forever 21 ... and you too, JC).
They have got to come up with a better name. They look so comfy!
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