Mascara and I have a love-hate relationship.
I love how it adds that extra bit of dimension and really makes my eyes pop. But, as a product, I kind of....hate it.
I have tried so many brands — drugstore cheapies, high-end boutique labels and pretty much everything in-between. For a while, I thought that tube lash stuff was going to change my life. Now, I've turned on that. The more I use it, the more I think it's not for me. Too clumpy, too lacking in definition.
When Lancome introduced its oscillating mascara, I was intrigued. One of my beauty gurus — Jean Godfrey-June of Lucky magazine — gushed so much over it that you'd have thought she owned stock. But, at $34, I wasn't going to take a chance. I mean, if you believe all those beauty peeps, you should only keep mascara around for three months! I figured soon enough, the knockoffs would arrive.
And so they have.
Maybelline's Pulse Perfection vibrating mascara is significantly cheaper than that Lancome stuff ($13), and it's got the cool alliterative name going for it. (Oscillation just sounds so stuffy anyway.)
So I've been test-driving the PP mascara, and it's not bad. You press a small button in the cap and the wand vibrates and hums ever so gently. As you run it through your lashes, it tickles a little. Reminds me of when you get a teeth-cleaning, and the dentist uses that tooth polishing brush with the gritty paste.
The mascara doesn't clump, but it is fairly light-weight. I'd say it's good for a natural look. When I layered base coat underneath it, the mascara had more oomph. The PP is buildable, and multiple coats are definitely the way to go.
Mascara wearers should give it a try.
i use mac's lash primer and mac's zoom lash. it is great. for me the primer makes all the difference in giving my lashes length and thickness
thanks for the suggestion, patina! i use the mac lash primer under every mascara i've bought - it's really good. probably time for me to revisit mac's mascaras.....
have you tried other lash primers? I didn't know they existed. Do we just all go straight to Mac?
i am glad that you agree. i couldn't live without my mac primer or zoom lash.
paganodesignworks...you can but it from nordstroms or the mac store/website
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