File this under "Things I Will Never, Ever Wear...Not Even On A Dare" — right behind a sweater casually draped across my shoulders — these bugly pants.
They're from Blue Life, which believe it or not actually has some pretty cute casual tees and sweat-type pants. Not that you'd know it from looking at these babies, which are called "Dancing Queen." Sure. If you say so.
OMG... these are lace and see through? Completely trashy and you know who'd wear them...
OMG!!!! Unfortunately, I can picture some people that I know going crazy for these though...
Yikes, K, those are dreadful. This entry needs a stronger warning to let the unsuspecting know before they see those photos :)
Yikes...just..yikes. I cannot bring myself to look at the other mentioned items..are they really worth mentioning?
Isn't it baffling to see what makes it into production?!
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