I'm one of those who TiVos the Oscars so I can skip through all the boring, insincere, overly-rehearsed thank you speeches. Can you tell I'm not one of those fawning types? I prefer to heckle the TV like a one-gal Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets.
Should I ever have occasion to go to the Oscars (It could happen. Don't they usually need seat fillers?), I've developed some fashion guidelines. First, I will not wear a dress that requires double layers of Spanx (didn't Kathryn Bigelow's dress look horribly uncomfortable?). Second, I won't wear anything that means I have to grab onto an Oscar helper boy's arm to navigate stairs. How can that be fun to worry about tripping on your dress all night?
I'd like to attend the Oscars as one of those random people standing along the red carpet that you see in the background of all the star fashion shots. The ones in the dark colors (don't want to show up the movie star now!) holding other people's purses or walkie-talkies and head sets.
Not big on the idea of sitting for three hours in a really uncomfortable dress trying to look beautiful and serene.
I'd try and wear a fabric that did not crease and give wrinkles from sitting. You can see it in the pic you showed and on other people. It just bugs me. They can get a dress in any fabric---why use a fabric that has siting crease wrinkles?!?
Oh and Lisa, my BIL actually did have a job one year as one of those random people on the red carpet. He had an ear piece, walkie-talkie, and other gadgets. He id wear a tux. His job was something to do with making things stayed flowing. He was in between jobs in Hollywood (now works on iCarly) and he said it was really fun. And he also said yes, the stars are even skinnier in real life.
Yes..I think the fabric choice was unfortunate. After all..she did have to sit until the end of the night to accept her award. Oh well..it's really about the amazing accomplishment more than the clothes they wear.
Oh right!! Who am I kidding with that crap..that's one of the main reasons I tune in! Only diff is I am in my bed, wearing mismatched jammies and ridiculing one of my fav dressers..SJP! What happened? Who allowed you to go out with the self-tanner overload? Did you have a different mirror than the rest of the world..you indeed looked S-T-R-A-N-G-E! And standing next to your lovely, albeit arctic tanned husband...the contrast was just frightening. You'll get 'em next time SJP...you rarely fail in my book.
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