Well, I'm off on my fakecation.
What is a fakecation, you ask? Well, it's not a real vacation. It's a poseur.
I'm calling it a fakecation because when you travel with children — who fight any time they're not eating or sleeping — it is neither a break nor relaxing, which typically vacations are. We're also staying at my in-laws' home. Wait — that's not the bad part. This is: They live in Phoenix, which is the only place brain-meltingly hotter than Tucson. Oy.
You can cry for me, Argentina. I actually adore pity.
But, enough of that. Since this year-old blog is now at 61 followers (lookout, Blogosphere. I'm gonna take over any minute), including the mighty, the amazing J. Crew Aficionada, seems like time to run a contest.
Here's the dealio: Follow the blog (if you're not one of the many, many already), leave a comment about what fall trend you're most excited about and then leave an e-mail address. A winner will be chosen at random. The prize — a $25 J. Crew gift card!
Last day to enter is July 24.
hi,i would like to enter the contest.
the fall trend i am most excited about is the slouchy pants or the cropped pants with pleats.
thank you for another give-away!
my e-mail
forgot to add,happy fakeation!i understand what youre going through.
That does not sound like a pleasant vacation in the slightest! Oh well, I'm sure you'll make the best of it!
Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway! I'm all over leopard print for fall. Rawr!
jessicahamm at gmail dot com
I'm sure you guys will have a good time regardless. Leave the kids at the in-laws and have you and hubs take a romantic dinner or spa break - or heck, leave the hubs too if he's acting up. :o)
Thanks for the lovely giveaway - of course I'm in - and love the new tweeds/fur thing for fall.
Hope you manage to find some relaxation time on your staycation! I managed to come home to LA to visit my parents during the hottest week ever, so I feel your pain.
I'm looking forward to adding more tweed to my wardrobe this fall! Or maybe some interesting glen plaid...
monica.schettler at gmail.com
Good luck on your trip! Hopefully you find some time to relax!
I am excited about investing in some tights, riding boots, tweed, and the lovely fur pieces from J.Crew.
First, congrats on your blogaversary!!! Second, have fun on your fakecation. By the way, I think the term "fakecation" is the best! ;)
I don't know about a trend for fall, but I cannot wait to pull out my sweaters. And TIGHTS... so I can wear all my heels again!
jeweledflag3@hotmail.com. And enjoy that fakecation!
I don't know what the upcoming trends for fall are (maybe you could do a post on them?) but I like fall fashion with sweaters and boots!
I like the cargo pants, mostly because I already own a ton of them and won't have to purchase new =P
how great! love your blog, its awesome
youve got a wonderful collection of inspiration
keep it up, and thanks for sharing
Your fakecation sounds very similar to my planned summer vacation. Good Luck and hope you get some enjoyment out of it.
The fall trend I'm looking forward to is a holdover from Spring - Clogs!
I'm a follower and always love reading your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
OMG-just got back from one of these, fakecations! I didn't know it had a name but I think yours is spot-on. I am so glad there is someone out there as brutally honest as me (or maybe we just have difficult kiddos;) but I feel this way, too. I guess the fact that my husband and I took one of our first, week-long vacations (sans kids) two summers ago and we were like, 'OMG, we haven't ACTUALLY been on vacation since we had kids! Now this is a vacation! Has brought this to light.
We managed to have a good time but much of it is spent breaking up fights-yes, even on vacation! I don't get it. Ugh.
Anyway-I have been missing from many blogs as summers are so busy and I just don't have the same time on my hands as I do in dreary winter. So I have fallen behind but I am a follower and always love reading your blog when I get the chance... It's a crack-up.
I loves me a good biker-boot so I am thrilled to see the return of these and cannot wait to break out the pair I got last Fall. Oh and the new pair I got on super-sale, early summer!
jcrewjunkie @ sbcglobal.net
Hello, The fall trend I'm most excited about is the military inspired clothes and also big(wide)drapey flowy pants.
Hi there! I am a new follower to your blog :). Thanks for the fabulous giveaway (teacher needs new clothes for the fall!). I'm not too sure about the upcoming fall trends, but I am most looking forward to wearing my toothpick cords tucked into my tall boots this fall.
oops..I forgot my email address: applesandpencilskirts@yahoo.com
We're on holiday with my 88 year old mum and still breaking up fights!
No need to enter me but have a lovely time.
I am a new follower--hooray! I would (obviously) love to be entered into the contest. Hmm...favorite fall trend? Don't think it's really a trend, but I'm excited to be wearing cords soon. I also just got these lace up oxford-esque heels that I cannot wait to break out :) Not with the cords, of course. musingsonmtn@gmail.com
love to be entered! my favorite fall trend will be to be able to put my tights and boots back on!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com
Thanks so much for hosting this awesome giveaway! I follow on Google Reader, hope thats okay.
I am most looking forward to adding colored tights to my wardrobe - in seasons past, I've stuck to neutrals, and I can't wait to spice it up with some burgundy, olive green, and sapphire tights :)
Hope you get SOME relaxation!
I am your newest follower (PetiteLittleGirl). I am looking forward to tweed this Fall
Last day to enter my giveaway for a beautiful necklace at PetiteLittleGirl.com
I follow your blog and I love it. I am looking forward the menwear aspired pieces with an edge, and the combinig of different textures(sequin with tweed.
I follow your blog. :-) I have succumbed to the legging trend. I'm wearing them quite a bit and will do so in the fall. I'm also into the slouchy pants, esp the ones that are satin or silky.
Thanks for the entry!
gigiofca at gmail
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