Trolling the World Wide Interweb these past few days has turned up some wacky stuff. The wackiest: sweat shorts that cost upwards of $90.
No joke. They're EVERYWHERE.
What is the world coming to? Sweat shorts have fashion cache?
Intermix has these babies from Monrow ($90). And, I love the Wang man, but these Alexander Wang glorified sweatpant cut-offs are $98! As is this pair that looks suspiciously like my husband's boxer briefs.
As my 5-year-old would say, "What the HECK??!?!?!"
And as your considerably older friend would say, "WTF!?!"....
Um... I was trying to think who would buy these. The ladies on Absolutely Fabulous would if they had a designer label. Can't think of anyone else.
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